Broadway Panthers

Broadway Panthers

Grades 7 & 8 Tuesday 10.28   1. What does it mean to be an American, to you?

2. Why are millions of people breaking the law and sneaking through borders to get here from Mexico?

3. Can you think of one other country in the world that people try so hard to come to?

4. What's one great thing about America?   What's one lousy thing?  

5. On the whole, is America a country to be proud of?  Why or why not?

Lesson Plans Tuesday: There are several activities in the past few lessons you guys didn't get to.

Just scroll down through Monday and work backwards.

When you get to a lesson you didn't do - stop, and do it!   


Grades 7 & 8 Monday 10.27   1. What do you know about ancient Rome?  List / brainstorm everything you can.

2.  What is a democracy?
3. Why is a democracy special?
4. All countries come to an end, and nothing lasts forever. Is America's end coming soon, or is our country strong?  Why? 

Test Friday - over grammar, social studies (rivers, Rome) and reading passages.

- sit tight for your daily quiz


1.  Most multiple choice tests have 3 answers that could be right, and one answer that makes no sense.   T  / F
2. The first thing you should do in a multiple choice question is narrow down to two choices.
            T / F
3. Analyze means ______________
4. Contrast hip hop with rock and roll music.
5. Compare poetry and hip hop.


Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...


Answer prompt in a few quality sentences

  1. In Ancient Times, your job was determined by the family you were born into.  If you were born rich you'd stay rich; and, if you were born poor, you'd stay poor.
Is this true in America, today?   Support your answer


Dr. Dre Says ...

Dre says to look out for the most common misspelled words.

1. Argument 
2. Believe 
3. Calendar 
4. Discipline 

- use each word in a sentence
- write your own definition for each word

   Friday's word: tradition 

1. definition
2. use in a sentence
3. draw a quick picture

   Monday's word: superstition 

1. definition
2. use in a sentence
3. draw a quick picture




    Ancient Rome!   

    Three Parts to Notes this week

    Part I  Today - The Colosseum  (right click to open in new tab)

    Watch the first 9 slides - and take notes on slide 5 - all of the Colosseum information

    To Do After Notes: 

    Analyze what the Ancient Romans did for entertainment.

    1. Describe how their entertainment compares to ours, in America today.
    2. Do you think America will ever reach a point where we have battles to the death, like they did? 



      Grade 7 and 8 Friday / Monday

    1. Read pages 24 - 27
    2. Complete boxes on page 25, 27


    It's Halloween Project Monday

    To Do:

    First, Brainstorm an idea for a scary movie.

    1. Pick a theme for your movie.  Monsters, ghosts, hauntings, etc.
    2. Give your movie a title
    3. What actors would you want to cast in your film?
    4. Write a plot summary - answering all of these questions
          -  Who, What, When, Where, Why?
    5. Create a movie poster to advertise this film
    6. Give a rating for your film. Why did it score this rating? (PG, PG13, etc)
    7. How would you market this movie?  (YouTube trailers, TV commercials, partnerships with McDonald's? etc.)


    Famous Last Words

    To Do: 

    1. Think of what you would want said on your tombstone.

    2. Draw a tombstone, and write the last words and message to the world on it!


    Scary Sentence Starters

    To Do:  Write the sentence - and finish it in a creative, thoughtful way!
    1. It was a cold Halloween night when I saw the...
    2. The mad scientist was creating a new monster that could...
    3. The large cauldron of purple liquid started to boil when...
    4. I got an eerie feeling when I heard...
    5. The mysterious object started floating in the air and...
    6. The Halloween pumpkin turned into a...
    7. The black cat started to crouch and hiss when...
    8. Something in the closet was making a strange noise, so I opened the door and...
    9. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw...
    10. As I carefully entered the haunted house, the door shut behind me and...

    today we are studying ... 

         Short stories


    Both stories we're reading are told by a first-person point of view.  The story's narrator is saying "me, I, my." 

    My Story

    To Do:  Create your own mini life story, talking about your childhood up to where you stand now - on the edge of being a young adult. 

    Make a book using creative supplies, and include:

    - Birthday        - important friendships
    - family info    - hobbies / interests
    - places lived   - role models
    - pets               - goals and dreams  

    Add a section on values - ideas that are most important to you.

    You know I like quality work for these projects! 
    Take your time - this might take the rest of class
    Be in a seat! 

    Grades 7 & 8 Friday 10.24   1. What would you want people to say about you when you are gone?  That you were what kind of a person?

    2. Would you want a sad funeral or a celebration of your life?

    3. We try not to think about death in the West (America). But if we thought more about how we all are going to die, would we live better lives while we are here?

    4. Every new day is a chance to live a little bit better than yesterday.  What's one thing you can do this weekend - to be a little better?   To help someone, or be thoughtful, or productive?

    - sit tight for your daily quiz



    Choose the correct sentence.
    A: His dog is running around the neighborhood without it’s collar.
    B: His dog is running around the neighborhood without its collar. 
    Choose the correct sentence.
    A: The students all took off their hats.
    B: The students all took off there hats.
    C: The students all took off they’re hats.
    Choose the correct sentence.
    A: I’m determined to do better then last year.
    B: I’m determined to do better than last year.
    Choose the correct sentence.
    A: I’m always afraid that I’ll lose my house key.
    B: I’m always afraid that I’ll loose my house key. 


      Grade 7 and 8 Friday

    1. Read pages 24 - 27
    2. Complete boxes on page 25, 27


    Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...


    Mastering the art of the Ninja Test Taker

    PART II   New Questions Below 

    Answer each mini prompt in a complete sentence
    1. Trace the way to make your favorite sandwich.
    2. Analyze how much time you spend online each week.
    3. Infer how your classmates feel about you.
    4. Evaluate who makes the best tennis shoes
    5. Formulate a plan for a productive weekend
    6. Describe why __________ is your favorite sport.
    7. Support = back up with details  T / F?   
    8. Explain how to make cupcake essays
    9. Summarize why you think bigfoot is real (he is!)
    10. Compare your two favorite snacks
    11. Contrast your two favorite snacks
    12. Predict if you will go bald or not like Mr. B.


    Scary Sentence Starters

    To Do:  Write the sentence - and finish it in a creative, thoughtful way!
    1. It was a cold Halloween night when I saw the...
    2. The mad scientist was creating a new monster that could...
    3. The large cauldron of purple liquid started to boil when...
    4. I got an eerie feeling when I heard...
    5. The mysterious object started floating in the air and...
    6. The Halloween pumpkin turned into a...
    7. The black cat started to crouch and hiss when...
    8. Something in the closet was making a strange noise, so I opened the door and...
    9. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw...
    10. As I carefully entered the haunted house, the door shut behind me and...

       Friday's word: tradition 

    1. definition
    2. use in a sentence
    3. draw a quick picture


    Famous Last Words

    To Do: 

    1. Think of what you would want said on your tombstone.

    2. Draw a tombstone, and write the last words and message to the world on it!



    Grade 8: IMAGINE OUR CLASS FORMS A BASKETBALL TEAM!   What would happen?

    To Do:

    CHOOSE:  1.  DRAW A COMIC STRIP OR 2.  WRITE A ONE PAGE CREATIVE SHORT STORY -  sharing a story about our class playing basketball as a team.   Have fun with it! 





    To Do:

    CHOOSE:  1.  DRAW A COMIC STRIP OR 2.  WRITE A ONE PAGE CREATIVE SHORT STORY - sharing a story about you causing chaos on your own block. 

    today we are studying ... 

         Short stories


    Both stories we're reading are told by a first-person point of view.  The story's narrator is saying "me, I, my." 

    My Story

    To Do:  Create your own mini life story, talking about your childhood up to where you stand now - on the edge of being a young adult. 

    Make a book using creative supplies, and include:

    - Birthday        - important friendships
    - family info    - hobbies / interests
    - places lived   - role models
    - pets               - goals and dreams  

    Add a section on values - ideas that are most important to you.

    You know I like quality work for these projects! 
    Take your time - this might take the rest of class
    Be in a seat! 


    Very simple:  4 layer (4 paragraphs)

    Do you belong at Broadway?

    Intro:  State your thesis: You belong at Broadway
    Layer 1:  Talk about your good qualities
    Layer 2: Talk about your dreams and plans, and how an education here will get you there
    Wrap up:  Pull it all together, restate your thesis!


    Dr. Dre Says ...

        Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

    Write in your notes:  Thesis is your main argument or point you are proving. 

    Thesis mini writing workshop

    Here is your thesis:  I would be a great student at your school

    Background: You are trying to get into high school. It's competitive - hundreds of kids want YOUR spot. 

    To Do: Write a paragraph proving your thesis. 

    This is a practice mini letter - the kind you will all be writing as you apply to different area high schools! 



    - technology            - hospitals
    - schools                  - government
    - police                    - churches    
    - laws                       - businesses

    Civilization Part III

    Is Cleveland a Civilization?  Prove it! 

    A super mini essay using the cupcake.

    Thesis for your intro:  Cleveland IS a civilization.

    • The first reason is ...
    • The second reason is ... 
    • then wrap it up! 

    Grades 7 & 8 Thursday 10.23 1. What's your definition of conflict?

    2. In novels and movies there's usually a conflict  - a person against a bad guy, like we already studied.

    What are some examples of Man Vs. Nature movie or book conflicts that you can think of?  Where a person has to fight against the environment or nature or something in the world?   Example: An asteroid is speeding towards earth, or a new Ice Age is coming.

    3. Why do you think we like these types of conflict so much? What's so entertaining about them? Mr. Bank loves tornado movies - because tornadoes scare the heck out of him!

    - sit tight for your daily quiz



    1. What's compare mean?
    2. What's contrast mean?
    3. Compare Cleveland to Akron in two complete sentences. 
    4. Contrast Cleveland to Hawaii in two sentences. 

       Both Grades Thurs:

    Book pages 20 / 21
    Read pages 22 / 23 (as a class or alone)
    - if you don't have a book (7th), write answers on paper

    After reading:

    1. Predict: What will this next story be about?
    2. Is this story told in the first person again?  
    3. What struggle do you think will be at the heart of this story?
    4. People grow and change for the better more during A) good times or B) challenging times?



    Creative / Thinking / Writing Time

    • write a one page short story about a comet set to collide with earth.  
    • have it end any way you want - you can save the day, or not!
    • be clear about having a People Vs. Nature theme here


    The fact is that we learn very few lasting lessons from the easy times of life. It is the pain and difficulty and discomfort of the down times of struggles that grow our lives and our character. 

    1. analyze this quote, and explain it in one paragraph
    2. Explain one time in your life that you faced a challenge and grew from it. 

    Your Choice:

    Draw a picture OR write a half page story, sharing this experience. 



    Did you finish?  20 minutes or so for everyone to catch up


    Grade 8: IMAGINE OUR CLASS FORMS A BASKETBALL TEAM!   What would happen?

    To Do:

    CHOOSE:  1.  DRAW A COMIC STRIP OR 2.  WRITE A ONE PAGE CREATIVE SHORT STORY -  sharing a story about our class playing basketball as a team.   Have fun with it! 





    To Do:

    CHOOSE:  1.  DRAW A COMIC STRIP OR 2.  WRITE A ONE PAGE CREATIVE SHORT STORY - sharing a story about you causing chaos on your own block. 

    Did you finish?  20 minutes or so for everyone to catch up

       simile (sim - i - lee)

    1. definition
    2. use in a sentence
    3. draw a quick picture

       Tuesday's word:  faith

    1. definition
    2. use in a sentence
    3. draw a quick picture

       Thursday's word:  struggle

    1. definition
    2. use in a sentence
    3. draw a quick picture

    today we are studying ... 


    Did you finish?  20 minutes or so for everyone to catch up


    Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...

        What in the heezy do these words even mean?  

    Infer?  Trace?  Formulate?  

    Ninja Training just got serious. 

    Word #10


    - How are they the same?

    Example: Compare Cleveland's weather to Miami's.

    To Do: Write one sentence using Compare.

    - add it to your flash cards - you should have 10!

    Word #11


    - How are they different?

    Example: Contrast Cleveland's weather to Miami's.

    To Do: Write one sentence using Contrast

    - add it to your flash cards - you should have 11!

    Word #12


    - What will happen next or soon?

    Example: Predict when our next fire drill will be

    To Do: Write one sentence using Predict.

    Did you finish?  20 minutes or so for everyone to catch up

    Mastering the art of the Ninja Test Taker

    Answer each mini prompt in a complete sentence
    1. Trace the daily routine you use after waking up each morning
    2. Analyze how much TV you watch every week.
    3. Infer how you are doing in Mr. Karl's class
    4. Evaluate who makes the best fast food french fries
    5. Formulate a strategy to raise your grade in Mr. Karl's class
    6. Describe why you like dogs better than cats (or vice versa)
    7. Support = back up with details  T / F?   
    8. Explain how to make ice cubes
    9. Summarize why you want to go to high school and beyond
    10. Compare BK to McDonald's
    11. Contrast Olive Garden to Applebee's
    12. Predict what you'll be doing at age 35.

    Did you finish?  20 minutes or so for everyone to catch up

    Both stories we're reading are told by a first-person point of view.  The story's narrator is saying "me, I, my." 

    My Story

    To Do:  Create your own mini life story, talking about your childhood up to where you stand now - on the edge of being a young adult. 

    Make a book using creative supplies, and include:

    - Birthday        - important friendships
    - family info    - hobbies / interests
    - places lived   - role models
    - pets               - goals and dreams  

    Add a section on values - ideas that are most important to you.

    You know I like quality work for these projects! 
    Take your time - this might take the rest of class
    Be in a seat! 


    Did you finish?  20 minutes or so for everyone to catch up

    Very simple:  4 layer (4 paragraphs)

    Do you belong at Broadway?

    Intro:  State your thesis: You belong at Broadway
    Layer 1:  Talk about your good qualities
    Layer 2: Talk about your dreams and plans, and how an education here will get you there
    Wrap up:  Pull it all together, restate your thesis!


    Dr. Dre Says ...

        Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

    Write in your notes:  Thesis is your main argument or point you are proving. 

    Thesis mini writing workshop

    Here is your thesis:  I would be a great student at your school

    Background: You are trying to get into high school. It's competitive - hundreds of kids want YOUR spot. 

    To Do: Write a paragraph proving your thesis. 

    This is a practice mini letter - the kind you will all be writing as you apply to different area high schools! 

    next, something new:
    Reading Smarter!

      5 Things

    - Read the article, then write a paragraph with the 5 Ws: Who, What, When, Where and So What?   

    So what = what's the big deal - why is this news?

    • again, you are turning in a quality paragraph.



    - technology            - hospitals
    - schools                  - government
    - police                    - churches    
    - laws                       - businesses

    Civilization Part III

    Is Cleveland a Civilization?  Prove it! 

    A super mini essay using the cupcake.

    Thesis for your intro:  Cleveland IS a civilization.

    • The first reason is ...
    • The second reason is ... 
    • then wrap it up! 

    - remember, wall quality work on this term.


    Storytime: Greece - the first democracy

    - please take notes

    - define democracy
    - America is a democracy
    - We got our ideas from somewhere else
    - Greece led the way for all other democracies
    - What's so special about democracy? People have power
    - Rule of law - protects you
    - Many countries have NO rule of law or power to people. 

    - homework - one page paper on How Greece was an early democracy


      On the same paper as bell

    Democracy is NOT automatically passed from generation to generation.  It's an idea and a tradition that must be taught.  

    What will you do to teach your kids, friends and family about the importance of democracy? STORY - sharing a story about you causing chaos on your own block.