1. Is there a negative thought you can switch over to good, in your head? Can you think a good thought and a bad thought at the same time?
2. It's Fall - a season of change. What are some bad habits YOU can shed, like the trees shed leaves? Mr. Bank eats junk at night - he's going to change this. What can you change?
~It's Normal Monday
~We will try and use the Lab upstairs this week - Blogging!
~We will try and use the Lab upstairs this week - Blogging!
Mark True if correct, False if not correct - apostrophes.
1. The bird's are flying south for winter. T / F
2. The bird's beak is pointy! T / F
3. Monday's seem to drag on sometimes. T / F
4. Mr. Bank's is an expert at fighting wolves and other wild animals T / F.
5. Mr. Bank's classes eat a lot of snacks. T / F
6. Support means ______________ ?
7. Use support in a sentence.
Mark True if correct, False if not correct - apostrophes.
1. The bird's are flying south for winter. T / F
2. The bird's beak is pointy! T / F
3. Monday's seem to drag on sometimes. T / F
4. Mr. Bank's is an expert at fighting wolves and other wild animals T / F.
5. Mr. Bank's classes eat a lot of snacks. T / F
6. Support means ______________ ?
7. Use support in a sentence.
+ Grade 7 - Remember, you need a Green Light from Mr. Karl to dress down!
today we are studying ...
Grammar Review
3. Click NEW Blog.
4. Start blogging! Your blog can be about anything you want - your life, music, art, sports ... it's your blog.
I will come around and work with every single one of you - helping you add video, pictures, links, pages, etc.
Did you know our class website is built in blogger?
don't forget to erase.
New Week, New Points on Board
Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...
Infer? Trace? Formulate?
Ninja Training just got serious.
Word #8
- Tell how
Example: Explain how Lake Erie affects weather in Cleveland
To Do: Write one sentence using Explain.
- add it to your flash cards - you should have 8!
Dr. Dre Says ...
Hey! Review what we've done so far ...
To Do:
Writing Assignment:
One half page about 1. New kid's first day at Broadway.
Or, 2. class field trip to the circus.
Use each one of these words in your paragraph - underline as you go!
1. its 2. it's 3. your 4. you're 5. their 6. there 7. there 8. a verb 9. a noun 10. a pronoun 11. an adjective 12. an interjection!
Dr. Dre Part II
Oh no! A vicious run on sentence! Quick - kill it! You have two weapons, remember?
One day there was a new kid at Broadway he was quiet and nice and I sat by him at lunch.
The literary term for the week:
Let's review the definition, then watch a video explaining sarcasm.
Writing Assignment:
One half page about 1. New kid's first day at Broadway.
Or, 2. class field trip to the circus.
Use each one of these words in your paragraph - underline as you go!
1. its 2. it's 3. your 4. you're 5. their 6. there 7. there 8. a verb 9. a noun 10. a pronoun 11. an adjective 12. an interjection!
Dr. Dre Part II
Oh no! A vicious run on sentence! Quick - kill it! You have two weapons, remember?
One day there was a new kid at Broadway he was quiet and nice and I sat by him at lunch.
Let's review the definition, then watch a video explaining sarcasm.
Definition: to mock or make fun of - often using humor to make your point.
Example: Nice test score, genius!
Create your weekly piece of wall quality art explaining the term Sarcasm.
Here Chris Farley is making fun of coffee commercials from the 80s
They used to give people decaf coffee and ask if they could tell the difference
Example: Nice test score, genius!
Create your weekly piece of wall quality art explaining the term Sarcasm.
Here Chris Farley is making fun of coffee commercials from the 80s
They used to give people decaf coffee and ask if they could tell the difference
- Why are the kids at Kilpatrick center?
- How do they boys deal with their problems?
- Where does Roger, the boy in “the box”, say he will end up when he’s 21?
- Where does Sean Porter (the officer) say Roger will end up when he’s 21?
- Why does Sean Porter start a football team?
- What percentage of Kilpatrick kids end up back in prison?
- Why don’t Willie and Kelvin get along? Why do they hate each other?
- Why do the Mustangs lose their first game?
- When the administrators “pull the plug” what keeps them going?
- What turns around their losing streak?
- Why are they able to defeat Barrington in the end?
- How does playing football change these kids?
Reading Smarter!
- Read the article, then write a paragraph with the 5 Ws: Who, What, When, Where and So What?
So what = what's the big deal - why is this news?
- again, you are turning in a quality paragraph.
Prove it! Thesis mini writing workshop
Here is your thesis: I would be a great student at your school
Background: You are trying to get into high school. It's competitive - hundreds of kids want YOUR spot.
To Do: Write a paragraph proving your thesis. This is a practice mini letter - the kind you will all be writing as you apply to different area high schools!
Life Paths - creative stewie
Our lives are the result of several decisions - big and small - that build a path to our dreams.
Some stones are big, some small, but all are important in our individual journeys. No one can lay down these stones but you.
Get out the art supplies and draw a life path of stones ... leading to your dreams / goals.
Paired or quiet Reading!
Read up through page 15, do boxes on 15
- Reading to start appearing on daily quizzes and tests.
- Get it done in class - or homework. Up to you, I don't care
Social Studies Tuesday 9.17
Let's watch this clip to learn more.
Constitutions are lists of laws and ideas we all agree on.
To Do After Video:
Write a Class Constituion
- 8 rules to form a more perfect classroom. It's a Constitution - make it look classy!
Storytime: Greece - the first democracy
- please take notes
- define democracy
- America is a democracy
- We got our ideas from somewhere else
- Greece led the way for all other democracies
- What's so special about democracy? People have power
- Rule of law - protects you
- Many countries have NO rule of law or power to people.
- homework - one page paper on How Greece was an early democracy