Broadway Panthers

Broadway Panthers

Grades 7 & 8 Wednesday 10.7   1. Civilizations have churches and religion. Most of us believe in something greater than ourselves - it gives us hope and direction.  What do you believe, about religion? How are you spiritual? 

2. Civilized people don't run and punch in class, right? I will never give a student an A (a 4) who acts like class is a playground.  Again - are you helping or hurting our little civilization we have here? Explain your answer.

3. What are some other things - besides rules and religion - that a healthy civilization has in it?  And, is Cleveland a civilization?      Hint: hospitals, museums, ... what else? 

Isn't this kid handsome? He has asthma and when he's sick - even a cold - it can turn serious. So I'm home with him again. 

There are a ton of class leaders in 7th - Taliyah and Noryana can help with attendance and everything else.

8th - Anelia, Mashaya and J.J. can help!

Anelia and Jasmine - please email and let me know how you all did / what you covered. Thanks!

Keep your paper out for ... 


1.  What are nomads?  
2. What is the set of written rules that guides governments?
3.  True or False - The Tigris and Euphrates rivers is where farming started.
4. A civilization is basically a fancy word for a modern place like a city or country.    T  / F
5. Explain why civilizations always grow up around water

      Homework - read your novels through Chapter 1! 

7th - back computers help spread out crowded room.

BUT - if you play and don't work, or a crowd forms, I'm tossing you off for someone else! 

today we are studying ... 

     River Civilizations, What makes a Civilization? 

New Week, New Points on Board

7 - 2
8 - 1

8 needs to double up on points by hitting a perfect day.


Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...

    What in the heezy do these words even mean?  

Infer?  Trace?  Formulate?  

Ninja Training just got serious. 

Word #8 


- Tell how

Example: Explain how Lake Erie affects weather in Cleveland

To Do: Write one sentence using Explain.

- add it to your flash cards - you should have 8! 


Dr. Dre Says ...

Hey!   Review what we've done so far ...

    Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

To Do:

Writing Assignment:

One half page about   1. New kid's first day at Broadway.  

Or, 2. class field trip to the circus.

Use each one of these words in your paragraph - underline as you go!  

1. its 2. it's 3. your 4. you're 5. their 6. there 7. there 8. a verb 9. a noun 10. a pronoun 11. an adjective 12. an interjection!

Dr. Dre Part II

Oh no!  A vicious run on sentence!   Quick - kill it!    You have two weapons, remember?

One day there was a new kid at Broadway he was quiet and nice and I sat by him at lunch. 

Rewrite this sentence - using periods or commas to break it up how you think is best.


To Do:   

~Create your own Civilization

It's project time, people. This should take over an hour - do quality work! 

1. Draw a detailed map of your civilization and include the following items:  
school, court house, hospital, restaurants, museums, businesses ... anything else a civilization  should have.

2. Create a 4 page visitors' guide brochure to your civilization.  What are your tourist attractions?  

- mix writing and pictures to create your brochure
- computer paper / art supplies!
- name your own civilization, or do a place you like.


7th - finish - 20 minutes or so

8th - start and finish

- remember, wall quality work on this term.
 The literary term for the week: 


Let's review the definition, then watch a video explaining sarcasm

Definition:   to mock or make fun of - often using humor to make your point.

Example:  Nice test score, genius!  

Create your weekly piece of wall quality art explaining the term Sarcasm. 

Here Chris Farley is making fun of coffee commercials from the 80s

They used to give people decaf coffee and ask if they could tell the difference


   Gridiron Gang Movie Questions

  1. Why are the kids at Kilpatrick center? 
  2. How do they boys deal with their problems?
  3. Where does Roger, the boy in “the box”, say he will end up when he’s 21?
  4. Where does Sean Porter (the officer) say Roger will end up when he’s 21?
  5. Why does Sean Porter start a football team?
  6. What percentage of Kilpatrick kids end up back in prison?
  7. Why don’t Willie and Kelvin get along? Why do they hate each other?
  8. Why do the Mustangs lose their first game?
  9. When the administrators “pull the plug” what keeps them going?
  10. What turns around their losing streak?
  11. Why are they able to defeat Barrington in the end?
  12. How does playing football change these kids?


Prove it! 

Thesis mini writing workshop

Here is your thesis:  I would be a great student at your school

Background: You are trying to get into high school. It's competitive - hundreds of kids want YOUR spot. 

To Do: Write a paragraph proving your thesis. This is a practice mini letter - the kind you will all be writing as you apply to different area high schools! 

  It's a pass up now exercise


Reading Smarter!

  5 Things

- Read the article, then write a paragraph with the 5 Ws: Who, What, When, Where and So What?   

So what = what's the big deal - why is this news?

  • again, you are turning in a quality paragraph.
  • articles to use are on my desk.


    Paired or quiet Reading!

    Read up through page 15, do boxes on 15

      • Reading to start appearing on daily quizzes and tests.
      • Get it done in class - or homework.  Up to you, I don't care


      Storytime: Greece - the first democracy

      - please take notes

      - define democracy
      - America is a democracy
      - We got our ideas from somewhere else
      - Greece led the way for all other democracies
      - What's so special about democracy? People have power
      - Rule of law - protects you
      - Many countries have NO rule of law or power to people. 

      - homework - one page paper on How Greece was an early democracy


        On the same paper as bell

      Democracy is NOT automatically passed from generation to generation.  It's an idea and a tradition that must be taught.  

      What will you do to teach your kids, friends and family about the importance of democracy?