7:30 - 8:15 ... kids trickle in and are usually calm and quiet.
8:15 - I take kids to their special - art today.
I get them from art at 8:45, and finish attendance in black folder with student help - if you ask they'll help!
Start class with the bell assignment - 15 minutes or so - and just go right through the material. The kids know what to do.
There is a lot of material online - if you get through even half or some of it, that's great.
The reading is the most important part - the Expert 21 work.
Breaks between material is at your discretion as well - I reward them with free time between assignments.
11:30 - my 7th grade kids line up, and enter Mr. Karl's room - then the 8th grade comes over for the afternoon.
EXACT SAME THING - use the board and start back with the bell.
I do NOT take the entire class to the bathroom as a group; students can go one at a time as needed.
Please text, email or call w / any questions
- Vince Bank 330 321 2002 / vincebank@gmail.com Thank you!