Broadway Panthers

Broadway Panthers

Grades 7 & 8 Thursday 10.2

Testing Info Expert 21 Series

Expert 21 Test link

Then, Click Blue SRI Box 

- enter user name / password

Mr. Bank and Mr. Karl have your log in information   BELL 7TH - There's a time for everything in life.  

A time for being alone and a time for love.  A time to work and a time to play.  A time to be born ... and yes, a time to die.  

1. Are you appreciating the different seasons of your life?   When it's time to play, do you play? When it's time to work, do you work?  Nature has seasons - so do you. 

2.  Very rarely do humans get stronger from joy.  It's usually work or pain that makes us better people.  Athletes get better in the gym.  Not in the hot tub, soaking on the weekend. 

Do you have the discipline to push through pain, and get the rewards that are coming to you?

- keep sheet out - for daily quiz next
___________________________________________   BELL 8TH - 1. Something interesting is happening in our class.  Classes usually get worse as the year goes on ... but ours is getting better.


2.  More and more of you guys are coming to me, and telling me you are ready to get serious, and to take yourselves serious and act with Pride.  

Do you see now why I give you the freedom that I do?   Why?  

Explain why I give you so much freedom.  And explain what you owe me - and yourself - in return.  

- keep sheet out - for daily quiz next

1. What's a thesis? 
2. A thesis belongs in the introduction paragraph (icing).  T  /  F
3. Our essays have 4 layers:   intro, 2 layers of cake, wrapper.   T  /  F
4. The wrapper wraps everything up.   T  / F 
5. The thesis - what you are trying to prove - appears once more in the wrapper.  T / F




      Missing notebooks and books? Check back of room. 

*We need a little more help cleaning room before switch / 11:30

today we are studying ... 


New Week, New Points on Board

How was Wednesday?

Playing for dress down Friday ... 

Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...

    What in the heezy do these words even mean?  

Infer?  Trace?  Formulate?  

Ninja Training just got serious. 

Word #7


definition: Back up with details

Example: Support your answer by showing your work in math class.

To Do: Write one sentence using Support 

PLUS add it to your flash cards!   You should have 7, now.

~  trace, infer, describe, evaluate, support, analyze, formulate. 


Dr. Dre Says ...

Hey!   Understanding Apostrophes 

    Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

Write in your notes:  apostrophes show ownership. 

Mr. Bank's room is clean every day.   Correct

Mr. Bank's is a nice guy.  Incorrect!   

No one owning anything in that sentence!

2 more examples:  

Thursday's are my favorite day.   Wrong!  No need for it

Did you do Thursday's  homework?  Correct!  It was Thursday's homework. 

To Do:  Mark T or F for each sentence. 

1. Girl's are good at gymnastics.   T / F
2. Friday's are busy shopping days.  T / F
3. Thursday's rain storm was cool to watch.  T / F
4. Bill's hair cut looks really weird.  T / F
5. The dog's are chasing us home every day.  T / F
6. The dog's bark scares the heck out of us!  T / F
7. Candy Tuesday's are awesome.  T / F.
8. Bout a week ago.  


-this ain't no trap house

Today's essay:  My favorite season is. 

A simple essay - 4 layers.   6 steps - keep it simple.

Let me explain: 

  1. Argue what your favorite season is, and why.  
  2. Your argument (thesis) goes in intro layer
  3. 2 layers of cake
  4. Start each layer with The first reason, the second reason ...
  5. wrap it up - 4 layers total.
  6. thesis goes in wrap up, too.

cherry = your topic / title. It focuses your thoughts

Icing = Hook your reader with a tasty intro, as you move from broad statements to your narrow thesis (main point). What will you argue or prove?

The cake = The body of your essay. Build it like this:

1) First reason that supports your thesis
a. details

Repeat for two total layers of cake.

cake = body paragraphs.

The wrapper
 = wrapping it all up. Restate your main idea, in a creative way. The wrapper ties directly back to your thesis / intro icing. 

So the intro and thesis are connected! 

next, something new:
Reading Smarter!

  5 Things

- Read the article, then write a paragraph with the 5 Ws: Who, What, When, Where and So What?   

So what = what's the big deal - why is this news?

  • again, you are turning in a quality paragraph.

   Life Lessons from KK2   (25 min clips)

1.  What issues and problems does Daniel face that we all face?
2. What role does racism play in this movie?  Describe how Daniel is treated as an outsider.
3. Fear is at the heart of this movie - we all face it.  What lessons can we learn about dealing with fear, from Daniel?
4. Hate is another theme in this movie.  Describe the hate between the old rival karate masters. 
5. Violence is sometimes the solution to problems. But what other solutions to violence do we learn from this film?



Life Paths - creative stewie

Our lives are the result of several decisions - big and small - that build a path to our dreams.

Some stones are big, some small, but all are important in our individual journeys. No one can lay down these stones but you.

Get out the art supplies and draw a life path of stones ... leading to your dreams / goals. 


Paired or quiet Reading!

Read up through page 15, do boxes on 15

    • Reading to start appearing on daily quizzes and tests.
    • Get it done in class - or homework.  Up to you, I don't care

    Social Studies Tuesday 9.17

       Constitutions help run the country.

    Let's watch this clip to learn more.

    Constitutions are lists of laws and ideas we all agree on.

    To Do After Video:

    Write a Class Constituion

    • 8 rules to form a more perfect classroom.  It's a Constitution - make it look classy!


    Storytime: Greece - the first democracy

    - please take notes

    - define democracy
    - America is a democracy
    - We got our ideas from somewhere else
    - Greece led the way for all other democracies
    - What's so special about democracy? People have power
    - Rule of law - protects you
    - Many countries have NO rule of law or power to people. 

    - homework - one page paper on How Greece was an early democracy


      On the same paper as bell

    Democracy is NOT automatically passed from generation to generation.  It's an idea and a tradition that must be taught.  

    What will you do to teach your kids, friends and family about the importance of democracy? 


    Testing Info Expert 21 Series

    Expert 21 Test link

    Then, Click Blue SRI Box 

    - enter user name / password

    Mr. Bank and Mr. Karl have your log in information