Broadway Panthers

Broadway Panthers

Grades 7 & 8 Wednesday 10.01    Your thoughts are very powerful.  

1. Try and have a good thought and a bad thought at the same time.   What happens?  Could you do it?

2. You can change your day at ANY MOMENT you choose - by the power of thought.


3. They say people who think bad thoughts all the time actually end up looking ugly when they are old!      Do you believe this?   Why or why not?     

4. Mr. Bank is not here - he'll collect tests tomorrow.  Plans for cupcakes haven't changed, see sign up below after everyone is done.  Jasmine and Anelia please email him to let him know how everything is going - and how cupcake day is shaping up.   Thanks! 

Test Number 1 is next 

- Get out a piece of paper with your name and Test One on it.

- open notes
- work alone - no helping / talking
- Raise Hand!  I will come help you
- Turn in when done.

1.noun - definition                                                  11. their - write a sentence
2.verb - definition                                                   12. they're - write a sentence
3. adjective - definition                                          13. there - write a sentence
4. pronoun - definition                                           14. trace - definition
5. interjection - definition                                      15. describe - definition
6. run on - give example                                         16. analyze - definition
7. its - write a sentence                                           17. evaluate - definition
8. it's - write a sentence                                          18. infer - definition
9. your - write a sentence                                       19. formulate - definition
10. you're - write a sentence

20. - What is a thesis statement?  
21.  Write a thesis for a paper that would argue Superman is the best hero.
22. Describe a hero's journey.

Part II:  Write a half page (or more) creative short story about a student's first day at Broadview Academy.   Use proper punctuation and grammar.   

*Use at least 10 adjectives - underline all of them.

When done please just relax / put head down / chill.  

       1. Sign up sheet for cupcake Thursday - we will 1. write and 2. eat and relax

We need - 

1. drink 2. cups 3. plates 4. napkins 5. cupcakes, chips, cookies






Please work quietly on your projects and finish them up. Karate Kid II is in the machine - please watch it and start noticing cultural differences.


Grades 7 & 8 Tuesday 9.30    Hey dudes.  I'm tired.  Mr. Bank brings me out every day.  Seriously, can I get a break? 

1. Write your own bell, please, and give Bell Dude a break.  Make a wise statement, or talk about life.  Give advice, or share something you think will help someone else. 

2.  Then make the person next to you read and answer your bell.   

- keep sheet out - for daily quiz next

1. Is Mr. Bank A) cool, B) super cool, C) not that cool
2. Who would win in a fight - a wolf, or Mr. Bank?
3. Hyperbole is an exaggeration:   True or False
4. They're means they are.    True or False
5. Use their in one sentence. 




      Missing stuff? Check back of room. 

Take 10 minutes, then get ready for:

Super Project Tuesday!

To Do:

Design and market a product in 
A) Sports Apparel       (like shoes)
B) Fashion     or 
C) Technology             (like a phone)

1. product name
2. your company name
3. one paragraph product description
4. quality magazine ad - computer paper / art supplies
5. radio ad - 30 second spot - for your product
6. which celebrity would endorse your product?
7. website address for your product or company? 
8. cost of product
9. who is your target market?  (age, income, where do they live)
10. who are your competitors - and how will you beat them? 

- Spend a lot of time on 3, 4, 5 and 10.   You can work in groups of two if you wish.

- Number every part of your project
- Test Grade - take your time, make every part good. 
- Present at end of class. 

today we are studying ... 

     Marketing, creative thinking

New Week, New Points on Board

Grade 7 - 1 point
Grade 8 - 0 points

Grade 7 & 8 Monday 9.29    Hey dudes.  

1. What is the Marzano grading scale?  Please explain this 1 - 4 system we use.  If you are new, please chat with someone next to you.   

2. What are values?    How would you describe your values?   

What principles or rules or ideas help give your life direction? 

- keep sheet out - for daily quiz next


1.  Use its and it's in one sentence.
2. Use your and you're in one sentence.
3. Use Evaluate in one sentence.
4. What's an interjection?
5. What's a run on sentence?




       Important today - 
1. Visitors in building
2. Give me 3 perfect days - and we'll have cupcake Thursday AND relaxed Friday!
3. No phones! NO plugging them in obviously.
4. Grade 8 start together in middle of class this week. 
5. Come back quickly from breaks - stay relaxed / quiet on breaks.
6. Breaking stuff and Leadership.

We've had a month to get used to everything.  Time to work at a faster pace, and become better writers. 


Something new

    Lit terms are a new weekly feature.   

1.  Learn about it, then

2. Draw a wall-quality picture showing you understand the term.  

Turn in Friday. 

*The literary term for this week: hyperbole

Definition of Hyperbole

Super exaggeration to make a point.  

  • I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
  • I played so hard in gym, I can't move another muscle! 
hyperbole could be an action too 
- Rocky punching a guy so hard he flies off the ground.


Key Ideas to watch out for: 

Two sides to humans ... good and bad.  

Discussion questions: 

1. This movie may be more frightening than a regular blood and guts horror movie.  Why?
2. How are the two boys symbols of two different paths?
3. Do you believe some people can be all evil?  Do you see any good in the blonde boy, Henry?
4. Can kids from good homes - like Henry - end up going totally bad, like he did?
5. How?  How can someone "go bad" in this way? 

today we are studying ... 

     Testing Vocabulary, Digital Literacy

New Week, New Points on Board


Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...

    What in the heezy do these words even mean?  

Infer?  Trace?  Formulate?  

Ninja Training just got serious. 

Word #6


definition: Tell in your own words

Example: Describe the plot of Rocky 5

To Do: Write one sentence using Describe PLUS add it to your flash cards!   You should have 6, now.


Dr. Dre Says ...

Hey!   there, their, they're

    Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

Write in your notes:  there, their, they're. 

there = a place.  Put the book over there.

their = they own it.  Their dog is crazy.

they're = they are.  They're coming over for dinner Saturday.

1. Write a sentence with there
2. Write a sentence with their
3. Write a sentence with they're
4. Try and write a sentence with all three! 

next, something new:
Reading Smarter!

  5 Things

- Read the article, then write a paragraph with the 5 Ws: Who, What, When, Where and So What?   

So what = what's the big deal - why is this news?

  • again, you are turning in a quality paragraph.

WATCH FOR Hyperbole in this clip - Jot down every example of exaggeration you can find.

   Life Lessons from KK2   (25 min clips)

1.  What issues and problems does Daniel face that we all face?
2. What role does racism play in this movie?  Describe how Daniel is treated as an outsider.
3. Fear is at the heart of this movie - we all face it.  What lessons can we learn about dealing with fear, from Daniel?
4. Hate is another theme in this movie.  Describe the hate between the old rival karate masters. 
5. Violence is sometimes the solution to problems. But what other solutions to violence do we learn from this film?


Prove it! 

Thesis mini writing workshop

Here is your thesis:  I would be a great student at your school

Background: You are trying to get into high school. It's competitive - hundreds of kids want YOUR spot. 

To Do: Write a paragraph proving your thesis. This is a practice mini letter - the kind you will all be writing as you apply to different area high schools! 

  It's a pass up now exercise



Life Paths - creative stewie

Our lives are the result of several decisions - big and small - that build a path to our dreams.

Some stones are big, some small, but all are important in our individual journeys. No one can lay down these stones but you.

Get out the art supplies and draw a life path of stones ... leading to your dreams / goals. 


Paired or quiet Reading!

Read up through page 15, do boxes on 15

    • Reading to start appearing on daily quizzes and tests.
    • Get it done in class - or homework.  Up to you, I don't care

    Social Studies Tuesday 9.17

       Constitutions help run the country.

    Let's watch this clip to learn more.

    Constitutions are lists of laws and ideas we all agree on.

    To Do After Video:

    Write a Class Constituion

    • 8 rules to form a more perfect classroom.  It's a Constitution - make it look classy!


    Storytime: Greece - the first democracy

    - please take notes

    - define democracy
    - America is a democracy
    - We got our ideas from somewhere else
    - Greece led the way for all other democracies
    - What's so special about democracy? People have power
    - Rule of law - protects you
    - Many countries have NO rule of law or power to people. 

    - homework - one page paper on How Greece was an early democracy


      On the same paper as bell

    Democracy is NOT automatically passed from generation to generation.  It's an idea and a tradition that must be taught.  

    What will you do to teach your kids, friends and family about the importance of democracy? 


    Testing Info Expert 21 Series

    Expert 21 Test link

    Then, Click Blue SRI Box 

    - enter user name / password

    Mr. Bank and Mr. Karl have your log in information

    Grades 7 & 8 Friday 9.26    Hey dudes.

    Please get out your work and put it into a nice little stack.

    - keep sheet out - for daily quiz next
    - It's relaxed Friday
    - It's selfie Friday grade 8 w / Mr. B after film


    1.  Trace: 
    2. Analyze: 
    3. Evaluate:
    4. Infer:
    5. Formulate:
    6. Use its and it's in the same sentence!

    Stay quiet, and in your seats please, after this quiz.   Chillax. 

       Key Ideas to watch out for: 

    Two sides to humans ... good and bad.  

    Discussion questions: 

    1. This movie may be more frightening than a regular blood and guts horror movie.  Why?
    2. How are the two boys symbols of two different paths?
    3. Do you believe some people can be all evil?  Do you see any good in the blonde boy, Henry?
    4. Can kids from good homes - like Henry - end up going totally bad, like he did?
    5. How?  How can someone "go bad" in this way? 


    today we are studying ... 

         Testing Vocabulary, Career Paths,

    Human Nature. 

    New Week, New Points on Board

    Scores are in for this week. 


    Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...

        What in the heezy do these words even mean?  

    Infer?  Trace?  Formulate?  

    Ninja Training just got serious. 

    - SKIP ON FRIDAY! - 

    To Do: Use Evaluate in an original sentence or example, like above. 

    Word #6 - For Monday ... 


    - Come up with

    - Plan

    Example: Formulate an opinion about dress codes in school. 

    To Do: Write one sentence using Formulate. 

    More Ninja -

    We are learning 12 Power Words - to ace the end of year tests. 

    So far we learned 5.

    Make flash cards - one for each word.  On one side put the picture and the word.

    Put the definition on the other side.

    Describe Describe 
    y Example: Which of the following best 
    describes the author’s mood?
    y Tell in your own words

    y Who, What, When, Where, Why, How


    Dr. Dre Says ...

    Hey!   there, their, they're

        Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

    Write in your notes:  there, their, they're. 

    its = something owns something else

    The dog ate its dinner

    it's = it is

    It's going to be a cold winter.


    To Do:

    1. Write a sentence with its
    2. Write a sentence with it's
    3. Write a sentence with both in it! 

    next, something new:
    Reading Smarter!

      5 Things

    - Read the article, then write a paragraph with the 5 Ws: Who, What, When, Where and So What?   

    So what = what's the big deal - why is this news?

    • again, you are turning in a quality paragraph.


    Prove it! 

    Thesis mini writing workshop

    Here is your thesis:  I would be a great student at your school

    Background: You are trying to get into high school. It's competitive - hundreds of kids want YOUR spot. 

    To Do: Write a paragraph proving your thesis. This is a practice mini letter - the kind you will all be writing as you apply to different area high schools! 

      It's a pass up now exercise



    Life Paths - creative stewie

    Our lives are the result of several decisions - big and small - that build a path to our dreams.

    Some stones are big, some small, but all are important in our individual journeys. No one can lay down these stones but you.

    Get out the art supplies and draw a life path of stones ... leading to your dreams / goals. 


    Paired or quiet Reading!

    Read up through page 15, do boxes on 15

      • Reading to start appearing on daily quizzes and tests.
      • Get it done in class - or homework.  Up to you, I don't care

      Social Studies Tuesday 9.17

         Constitutions help run the country.

      Let's watch this clip to learn more.

      Constitutions are lists of laws and ideas we all agree on.

      To Do After Video:

      Write a Class Constituion

      • 8 rules to form a more perfect classroom.  It's a Constitution - make it look classy!


          Socrates - one of the smartest teachers to ever live - said you need to know yourself.  If you don't look at the man in the mirror, your life is a waste.

      So - 

      What tattoo would you get?  Why? 

      1.  Draw the tattoo using art supplies, and  2. write a paragraph about why you'd get this piece of art. 


      Storytime: Greece - the first democracy

      - please take notes

      - define democracy
      - America is a democracy
      - We got our ideas from somewhere else
      - Greece led the way for all other democracies
      - What's so special about democracy? People have power
      - Rule of law - protects you
      - Many countries have NO rule of law or power to people. 

      - homework - one page paper on How Greece was an early democracy


        On the same paper as bell

      Democracy is NOT automatically passed from generation to generation.  It's an idea and a tradition that must be taught.  

      What will you do to teach your kids, friends and family about the importance of democracy? 

      Grade 7 & 8 Thursday 9.25    It is not always the best athlete or smartest student who wins.  It's the person who hangs in there, and never gives up.  Like Michael Jordan being the first one to practice - and the last one to leave.

      1. How can an attitude of never giving up set you apart in this world?

      2. They say it's not how many times you get knocked down - it's how many times you get up.

      What does that mean?

      3. I will never give a good grade to a student who disrespects the class, constantly runs, punches, etc.  Do you know what never means?     Are your grade already in trouble?

      If yes - what are  you going to do to fix it?  You better figure this out now.

      - keep sheet out - for daily quiz next


      Pick the correct your / you're for the sentences below:

      1.  Sit down in your / you're seat please. 
      2. Your / You're in trouble when you get home! 
      3. Your / you're mom is mad because you lost your / you're new coat!
      4. What does Evaluate mean?
      5. Use Evaluate in a sentence. 
      6. Today is a good day to ask:  Is your behavior going to hold you back from getting into 
      high school?   Why or why not? 

            Stay out of corner by computers - you are damaging wires.  

      + Both grades - keep your novels (and all of your stuff).  I shouldn't find anything in the room after you leave. 

      ... Bout a week ago! 

      today we are studying ... 

           Testing Vocabulary, Career Paths,

      Human Nature. 

      New Week, New Points on Board

      7 - 3 points - on way to dress down / relaxed Friday

      8 - no points Wednesday.  Earn double Thurs to make it!



      Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...

          What in the heezy do these words even mean?  

      Infer?  Trace?  Formulate?  

      Ninja Training just got serious. 

      To Do: Use Evaluate in an original sentence or example, like above. 

      Word #5


      - Come up with

      - Plan

      Example: Formulate an opinion about dress codes in school. 

      To Do: Write one sentence using Formulate. 

      More Ninja -

      We are learning 12 Power Words - to ace the end of year tests. 

      So far we learned 5.

      Make flash cards - one for each word.  On one side put the picture and the word.

      Put the definition on the other side.

      - formulate, evaluate, infer, analyze, trace. 


      Dr. Dre Says ...

      first take a sec to clean up

      Hey!   it's vs. its

          Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

      Write in your notes:  its VS it's

      its = something owns something else

      The dog ate its dinner

      it's = it is

      It's going to be a cold winter.


      To Do:

      1. Write a sentence with its
      2. Write a sentence with it's
      3. Write a sentence with both in it! 

      next, something new:
      Reading Smarter!

        5 Things

      - Read the article, then write a paragraph with the 5 Ws: Who, What, When, Where and So What?   

      So what = what's the big deal - why is this news?

      • again, you are turning in a quality paragraph.


      Prove it! 

      Thesis mini writing workshop

      Here is your thesis:  I would be a great student at your school

      Background: You are trying to get into high school. It's competitive - hundreds of kids want YOUR spot. 

      To Do: Write a paragraph proving your thesis. This is a practice mini letter - the kind you will all be writing as you apply to different area high schools! 

        It's a pass up now exercise



      Life Paths - creative stewie

      Our lives are the result of several decisions - big and small - that build a path to our dreams.

      Some stones are big, some small, but all are important in our individual journeys. No one can lay down these stones but you.

      Get out the art supplies and draw a life path of stones ... leading to your dreams / goals. 


      Paired or quiet Reading!

      Read up through page 15, do boxes on 15

        • Reading to start appearing on daily quizzes and tests.
        • Get it done in class - or homework.  Up to you, I don't care

        Social Studies Tuesday 9.17

           Constitutions help run the country.

        Let's watch this clip to learn more.

        Constitutions are lists of laws and ideas we all agree on.

        To Do After Video:

        Write a Class Constituion

        • 8 rules to form a more perfect classroom.  It's a Constitution - make it look classy!


            Socrates - one of the smartest teachers to ever live - said you need to know yourself.  If you don't look at the man in the mirror, your life is a waste.

        So - 

        What tattoo would you get?  Why? 

        1.  Draw the tattoo using art supplies, and  2. write a paragraph about why you'd get this piece of art. 


        Storytime: Greece - the first democracy

        - please take notes

        - define democracy
        - America is a democracy
        - We got our ideas from somewhere else
        - Greece led the way for all other democracies
        - What's so special about democracy? People have power
        - Rule of law - protects you
        - Many countries have NO rule of law or power to people. 

        - homework - one page paper on How Greece was an early democracy


          On the same paper as bell

        Democracy is NOT automatically passed from generation to generation.  It's an idea and a tradition that must be taught.  

        What will you do to teach your kids, friends and family about the importance of democracy?