1. What does he mean?
2. How would you speak if you were a DJ at a hip hop station, compared to if you were a veterinarian - working with animals?
- Keep your Bell out - take the Daily Quiz right on your paper
Based on one week of school - what are the rules for Mr. Bank's class?
What does he want? What does he expect of you?
2. We are tightening up our game in here. For those of you who get it - thanks - help out your friends to understand what's up.
3. If you walk out of my room without asking me - be ready to keep walking.
Next - Introducing the Score Board!
This is how we EARN sweet rewards. Like Cupcake Parties and Movie Clips on Friday.
You need 4 points on the board - one for Monday - Thursday. A point each day.
Some of you get what I'm trying to do in here with Respect and Freedom.
Some of you don't. That's OK too - I'm not going anywhere,
and we've got time to learn.
Help Each Other - don't let a few knuckle heads ruin our class. We need all of you to care, help, and lead.
Keep reminding each other that Ignorance Is A Choice - and it's a very stupid choice to make day after day after day! Trust Me!
Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...
- Go to the bathroom BEFORE the test - T / F ?
- Drink a lot of caffeine BEFORE the test - T / F?
- Eat breakfast BEFORE the test - T / F?
Dr. Dre Says ...
Vocabulary -
Dialect. The way people talk in certain areas - like Cleveland.
Or in certain communities - like the Black community.
Today we're talking about African American English (AAE) - which has different rules than Standard English (SE).
AAE is a dialect used by millions of Blacks in the United States today. It is not "worse" or "below" SE.
AAE has its own rules - a lot of them! Today we're focusing on the habitual be.
- Make sure you have a definition for every underlined word.
When speakers of standard American English hear the statement "He be reading," they generally take it to mean "He is reading."
But that's not what it means to a speaker of Black English, for whom "He is reading" or "he reading" refers to what the reader is doing at this moment.
"He be reading" refers to what he does habitually, whether or not he's doing it right now.
Examples: Mr. Bank be doing math problems. X NOT Correct. He sucks at math, and almost never does math.
2. Mr. Bank be wearin Polo Shirts to school. √ Correct He wears polos all the time - it's a habit.
Habitual B = habit - something we expect a person to do a lot.
To Do:
Read each pair of sentences in list A, and decide which sentence in each pair sounds better.
Place a check (√) next to the sentence that sounds better with the be. Write out your answers.
1. a. ___ They usually be tired when they come home.
b. ___ They be tired right now.
2. a. ___ When we play basketball, she be on my team.
b. ___ The girl in the picture be my sister.
3. a. ___ James be coming to school right now.
b. ___ James always be coming to school.
4. a. ___ My ankle be broken from the fall.
b. ___ Sometimes my ears be itching.
Let's see how we did:
Answer Key LIST A
1. a. _√_ They usually be tired when they come home.
b. ___ They be tired right now.
2. a. _√_ When we play basketball, she be on my team.
b. ___ The girl in the picture be my sister.
3. a. ___ James be coming to school right now.
b. _√_ James always be coming to school.
4. a. ___ My ankle be broken from the fall.
b. _√_ Sometimes my ears be itching.
Applying the rule:
Now that you understand when AAE speakers use be, use your rule to predict whether or not to use be in list B.
Write Y for Yes if the sentence follows the dialect pattern, and N for No if it does not.
1. ___The students always be talking in class.
2. ___The students don’t be talking right now.
3. ___Sometimes the teacher be early for class.
4. ___At the moment the teacher be in the lounge.
answers -
LIST B Answers
1. _Y_The students always be talking in class.
2. _N_The students don’t be talking right now.
3. _Y_Sometimes the teacher be early for class.
4. _N_At the moment the teacher be in the lounge.
Getting to know our Reading Text Books
4. I will come around to score your work when I need to.
To Do Today:
1. VIII - XI - 21 ?s
2. XII - XIII - skills check
3. XIV - XV - my page
Social Studies Monday 9.8
1. Freedom is not free.
2. Freedom is rare - it only exists in a few special places in the world.
3. Freedom can ONLY exist if other things are present too - like responsibility and respect.
To Do: Using the handout, create a Class Constitution explaining what you are giving me, in exchange for what I'm giving you.
1. I'm giving you freedom, respect, and treating you like adults - while caring about your education.
So ... 2. What are you giving me back, in return? To make sure we have a smooth running class and you do well?
Write out your constitution, and sign and date the bottom.
I want these back today.
While this song is playing, write out what it means. What's Michael Jackson saying? How is he asking us to live our lives?
Knowing how to act in different situations is part of growing up, and being successful.
What are some examples of different situations where you can act and speak relaxed - and when you have to act and speak as "proper" as you can?
Where is AAE a good choice, and where is SE a good choice?