Broadway Panthers

Broadway Panthers

Grades 7 & 8 Wednesday 9.17    The very first words of the U.S. Constitution are We the People. 

1.  What does that tell you about America - where is the power supposed to be?  With the rulers, or with the people?     Explain.  

2.  If our class had a constitution, what would it say?  What rules guide our class?  What rules would you add?

Class Note: Mr. B's son is sick so he's out today - be great, work your way right through the material like you know how to do. 

If I get a good report tonight, it will be Candy Thursday tomorrow.  Respect the room, please clean! 

I'll check all work when I get back.   

- keep sheet out - for daily quiz next

1.  List 5 nouns
2.  List 4 verbs
3.  List 3 adjectives
4.  List 2 pronouns
5.  List 1 interjection. 

  It's Candy Thursday tomorrow if I get a good report. 



today we are studying ... 

    Parts of speech

Let's get some points on the board this week ... 

7 - 2
8 - 2

Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...

    What in the heezy do these words even mean?  

Infer?  Trace?  Formulate?  

Ninja Training just got serious. 

1. This goes under your notes each day
2. There are 12 Power Words we will master
3. These words are confusing, unless you are trained.

First word - 


definition:  List in steps

To Do:  Use Trace in one sentence.  

Ex:  Using a recipe, trace the steps to baking cupcakes.


Dr. Dre Says ...

Hey!   Do you guys know what interjections are? 

Watch this video and learn! 

    Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

Write in your notes: 

Interjections are an exclamation or an interruption.  

They can stand alone OR be part of a sentence.

Wow! I won the lottery.    OR - 

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that!  OR Shoot, I forgot my textbook. 

To Do:  

Write 5 sentences with interjections, like the above examples and video we watched.


Paired Reading!

Since reading quietly about killed you guys, we are going to try paired reading (Thanks LaShelle!)

Pair up, or in 3s, and take turns reading a paragraph aloud - but quietly.  Read with your voices on yellow. 

Then make sure your answers on page 13 are correct.  I will help you! 

   Grade 7 - Read 11 to 13, do box page 13. 

 GRADE 8 - 

You guys can do paired reading, too.  (see above). 

Start Playing the Game page 11. Read 11 to 13

  • fill out box page 13. 

Social Studies Tuesday 9.17

   Constitutions help run the country.

Let's watch this clip to learn more.

Constitutions are lists of laws and ideas we all agree on.

To Do After Video:

Write a Class Constituion

  • 8 rules to form a more perfect classroom.  It's a Constitution - make it look classy!


    Socrates - one of the smartest teachers to ever live - said you need to know yourself.  If you don't look at the man in the mirror, your life is a waste.

So - 

What tattoo would you get?  Why? 

1.  Draw the tattoo using art supplies, and  2. write a paragraph about why you'd get this piece of art. 


  On the same paper as bell

Democracy is NOT automatically passed from generation to generation.  It's an idea and a tradition that must be taught.  

What will you do to teach your kids, friends and family about the importance of democracy?