Broadway Panthers

Broadway Panthers

Grade 7 & 8 Friday 9.12     They say it takes a bigger person to walk away from a fight, than to throw hands. 

Is this true, or is this just something adults tell kids.  What do you think? 

2. If you could go back and do one thing over in your life, what would it be? 

Sometimes Mr. B thinks he'd do things differently ... but then he wouldn't be here with you all! 

Get ready for ... NO Quiz today!   yeah!   

Instead let's take a sec to get our weekly work all neat and stacked - and turned in. 

Let's check the Score Board!

Period 7 -  4 points on the board - nice.

Period 8 - 4 points.  

Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...

    On Vacation ...

Let's talk about today's expectations.

1.  Room spotless Before and After we do this.  So let's take a moment to clean up before moving on - then everyone help us all out after.



2. Listen to lesson,  do the Dr. Dre work ...

3.  Mr. B will turn you loose to pass out what you brought in.

4. Write a quality one page essay following your Shrek recipe, and notes!

5. Enjoy a fun day.  You earned it.

today we are studying ... 



Dr. Dre Says ...

    Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

Dre says: Two parts to today's lesson.

1. Mr. B will explain Cupcake Essay to you in 2 minutes.

Listen up, please! 

cherry = your topic / title. It focuses your thoughts

Icing = Hook your reader with a tasty intro, as you move from broad statements to your narrow thesis (main point). What will you argue or prove?

The cake = The body of your essay. Build it like this:

1) First reason that supports your thesis
a. details

Repeat for two total layers of cake.

cake = body paragraphs.

The wrapper
 = wrapping it all up. Restate your main idea, in a creative way. The wrapper ties directly back to your thesis / intro icing. 

So the intro and thesis are connected! 

2. Now, please get out your Cupcake Outline sheets 

(Mr. B will pass out)

Go through and fill out this outline.  Start with the Cherry - your topic.    Work down to your Wrapper (conclusion).

You are about ready to write like a Pro! 

Use the Shrek Recipe and your Cupcake Outline to guide you!


   Let's review subjects and predicates.

Remember Dre says a sentence gets funky when it has a subject and a predicate.

Just the first and last part of a sentence!  



Textbook Catch Up Time

Keep it on tight Yellow - in your seats

   All of this should be done by tomorrow: 

VIII - XI - 21 ?s   2. XII - XIII - skills check     3. XIV - XV - my page 

Next - Both grades read pg. 6 / 7, answer questions pg. 7

Next -  Before Reading   -   page 8 / 9 - (before our first big story)   <<<<<<<<<<<<   You need to be here.

- we are starting the first story so get caught up! 

Social Studies Tuesday 9.9


    Socrates - one of the smartest teachers to ever live - said you need to know yourself.  If you don't look at the man in the mirror, your life is a waste.

So - 

What tattoo would you get?  Why? 

1.  Draw the tattoo using art supplies, and  2. write a paragraph about why you'd get this piece of art. 


  On the same paper as bell

Knowing how to act in different situations is part of growing up, and being successful.

What are some examples of different situations where you can act and speak relaxed - and when you have to act and speak as "proper" as you can?  

Where is AAE a good choice, and where is SE a good choice?   
t wrong to be angry? Is it healthy to be angry?