Do you agree we are like a family? Why or why not?
2. Hip hop lyrics always talk about how "I got to get mine!" This might make for a cool song, but why is this a stupid way to try and live your life?
- What problems will you run into?
- keep sheet out - for daily quiz next
FYI it's relaxed Friday - we'll work through a few assignments, then do a creative exercise / clips.
FYI it's relaxed Friday - we'll work through a few assignments, then do a creative exercise / clips.
1. What does Trace mean?
2. Why are we studying words like Trace ... where will they appear?
3. What is an interjection?
4. Give 2 examples of an interjection.
5. Is Mr. Bank A) Super tough and cool, or B) pretty cool but super handsome?
When I show a movie clip to the class, it's serious.
Be respectful, don't talk ... Thanks!
today we are studying ...
Testing Vocabulary, Career Paths,
Human Nature.
You did it
7 - 4
8 - 4
= reward Friday.
= reward Friday.
Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...
Infer? Trace? Formulate?
Ninja Training just got serious.
1. This goes under your notes each day
2. There are 12 Power Words we will master
3. These words are confusing, unless you are trained.
Second word -
definition: break apart or break into pieces
Ex: Analyze the role of heroes in movies and books.
What it really asks - Break apart the role heroes play in books.
So - First, heroes give action to stories. Also, heroes give hope ...
Ex: Analyze the role of heroes in movies and books.
What it really asks - Break apart the role heroes play in books.
So - First, heroes give action to stories. Also, heroes give hope ...
To Do: Use Analyze in one sentence
Dr. Dre Says ...
Hey! Do you guys know what Run Ons are?
Write in your notes: Run On Sentences are too long!
They should be broken up!
A run on sentence should stop but doesn't and doesn't have punctuation and just keeps going like this and you want to be like stop!
To Do: Show how to break up run on sentences.
- Easiest way - make 2 sentences, or just add a comma.
Save these poor run on sentences below!
- Make 2 sentences or add punctuation.
1. My dad went to the store he should be home soon.
2. The crazy dog jumped at me and I am scared and upset.
3. Bigfoot is real I know he is real I just know it.
Key Ideas to watch out for:
Two sides to humans ... good and bad.
Discussion questions:
1. This movie may be more frightening than a regular blood and guts horror movie. Why?
2. How are the two boys symbols of two different paths?
3. Do you believe some people can be all evil? Do you see any good in the blonde boy, Henry?
4. Can kids from good homes - like Henry - end up going totally bad, like he did?
5. How? How can someone "go bad" in this way?
Life Paths - creative stewie
Our lives are the result of several decisions - big and small - that build a path to our dreams.
Some stones are big, some small, but all are important in our individual journeys. No one can lay down these stones but you.
Get out the art supplies and draw a life path of stones ... leading to your dreams / goals.
Paired or quiet Reading!
Read up through page 15, do boxes on 15
- Reading to start appearing on daily quizzes and tests.
- Get it done in class - or homework. Up to you, I don't care
Social Studies Tuesday 9.17
Let's watch this clip to learn more.
Constitutions are lists of laws and ideas we all agree on.
To Do After Video:
Write a Class Constituion
- 8 rules to form a more perfect classroom. It's a Constitution - make it look classy!
So -
What tattoo would you get? Why?
1. Draw the tattoo using art supplies, and 2. write a paragraph about why you'd get this piece of art.
Storytime: Greece - the first democracy
- please take notes
- define democracy
- America is a democracy
- We got our ideas from somewhere else
- Greece led the way for all other democracies
- What's so special about democracy? People have power
- Rule of law - protects you
- Many countries have NO rule of law or power to people.
- homework - one page paper on How Greece was an early democracy
Democracy is NOT automatically passed from generation to generation. It's an idea and a tradition that must be taught.
What will you do to teach your kids, friends and family about the importance of democracy?