Broadway Panthers

Broadway Panthers

Grade 7 & 8 Wednesday 9.10     1.  How many people do you think actually reach their dreams?

2.  How many people from your neighborhood reached their dreams, do you think? 

50%  15%     2%   ???

3. Do you think your parents might wish they worked harder in school - so life would be easier now?      (Mr. Bank wishes HE worked harder then!  For real.) 

4.  Why do you think YOU will reach your dreams, when so few people do?  

- keep sheet out - for daily quiz next

1.  What is a thesis?   

2. What dialects are spoken in Cleveland? Name two.  

3. What is setting?  

4. What setting are you in right now?  

5. What professional setting do you hope to be in when you are 30? 

   1. Grades depend on behavior - how you act is a big part of your grade.  It's part of participation and leadership.  

I will never give an A / 4 to someone who shows disrespect to our class.

2. Grade 8 - one break each afternoon.

Earn the right to relax from 2:30 on.

We are literally locking the door at 2:30.  What we do in here is our biz.

Do not quit early on me - I don't care when first bus is called. Thank you! 

*At 2:30 we stop - clean room, pack stuff and chill BEFORE we relax.  Thanks. 


- Sub Drill

today we are studying ... 


Let's check the Score Board!

Period 7 -  2 points on the board - nice.

Period 8 - 1 ... catching up. Awesome adjective stories from a lot of you guys yesterday.   Welcome Paradise to our class! 

Ahhh the ways of the Ninja ...


Make sure that you write down everything that is asked of you and more. The more details you write, the higher your grade is going to be.

- The super ninja trick:  Write a TON - you'll get more points. You can trick test graders just by writing a lot, sometimes! True story. 


Dr. Dre Says ...

    Take notes on all of this please - it's all testable. 

Vocabulary - 

Hero: A person who is admired for courage and achievements.

thesis: your main argument or point in an essay

topic:  What you are writing about.  Basketball.  Love.  Bigfoot. Heroes!  

Introduction:  The first paragraph.

Layers of cake:  The next two paragraphs.

Wrap up:  Your conclusion paragraph.   

- 4 paragraphs total in an essay for Mr. Bank! 


   Let's review adjectives with this awesome clip


    We are getting closer to our writing workshop Friday. 

1. Pick a hero you could write about.  From your books - or just a favorite hero. 

2. Write 10 Facebook Status Updates your hero might post. 

E.X. 21 Text Time

Keep it on tight Yellow - in your seats

 Some of you are still behind.  We are moving on. 

1. Catch Up - 

VIII - XI - 21 ?s   2. XII - XIII - skills check     3. XIV - XV - my page 

Next - Both grades read pg. 6 / 7, answer questions pg. 7

Next -  Before Reading   -   page 8 / 9 - (before our first big story)

Social Studies Tuesday 9.9


    Socrates - one of the smartest teachers to ever live - said you need to know yourself.  If you don't look at the man in the mirror, your life is a waste.

So - 

What tattoo would you get?  Why? 

1.  Draw the tattoo using art supplies, and  2. write a paragraph about why you'd get this piece of art. 


  On the same paper as bell

Knowing how to act in different situations is part of growing up, and being successful.

What are some examples of different situations where you can act and speak relaxed - and when you have to act and speak as "proper" as you can?  

Where is AAE a good choice, and where is SE a good choice?   
t wrong to be angry? Is it healthy to be angry?